Fixture, Functional test benches and 3D prototyping

During the years ES has acquired a big experience in marking: Foto Banchi funzionali 1

  • Test adapter for the leading ICT test systems

    like Teradyne, Agilent HP3070, Digital Test MTS and TRI. First quality materials and mechanical parts like, for example, pressure fingers and safety protection, used in our fixtures make our products relieable, durable and suitable for all kinds of test requirement. ES offers the possibility to test the electrical board both Top and Bottom side so to untangle even the most critical testing needs.

  • Functional test benches

    on customer’s specification, built with mechanical , pneumatical or double run movement solution and employed in different target markets like for example Medical, Automotive, Domotics, High Frequency. ES together with the equipment, can also offer his skill in designing custom mechanical contacting solution to solve demanding problems about testing of particular assembled or semi-assembled products.

    ES is official partner GPS Prüftechnik GmbH.

  • Benches for automatic test

    of touch devices where, thanks to the employment of appropriate mechanical stratagems  and the quality of chosen materials, and repeatability of test procedure is always guaranteed

3desDuring the design of every fixture, 2D and 3D drawings (using specific software programs as Autocad, Inventor and SolidWorks) are made This technical documentation, if requested, can be supplied together with the test adapter.