It’s Time to test: 19th October 2018 ONEPASS DAY 8th Edition

On 19th October 2018 at Devero Hotel in Cavenago Brianza, will be held the OnePass Day 8th edition: don’t miss it, some news wait you. On line day program. Adhesions can be sent at email address :

ES & NIDays: 14th November 2017

Visit our exhibition area during NIDays organized by National Instruments on 14th November 2017 at ATA Hotel Expo Fiera in Pero (MI). Make your free registration on website:

1st OnePass Day in Timisoara – Romania

On 25th May 2017 by Hotel Senator in Timisoara will be held OnePass Day first edition in Romania. A technical meeting entirely dedicated to the world of testing with ATE SOLUTION introduce. OPD 2017...